Men’s Health
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) – initial screening test
A protein produced by ‘normal’, as well as malignant, cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in a man's blood. Elevated PSA levels may be indicative of a prostate issue requiring further investigation.
Stockholm3 - advanced screening test
A simple blood test to screen for risk of aggressive prostate cancer, which can be performed on men with PSA as low as 1.5 ng/mL who would not otherwise be detected. It analyses protein markers and genetic information alongside clinical data, giving a risk score and clear directions for further investigation (hisk risk) or to retest in the future (low risk).
Proclarix - screening and/or alongside MRI
A simple protein-based blood test that can be done with the same sample as the PSA test. No additional intervention is required with results becoming quickly available. Patients with a PSA level between 2 and 10 ng/ml are in a diagnostic grey zone. Proclarix helps doctors and patients with PSA levels in the grey zone. Its Proclarix Risk Score delivers clear and immediate diagnostic support for further treatment decisions.
Prostatype – after diagnosis
Prostatype®'s unique system identifies the genetic fingerprint of cancer by measuring information from cancer stem cell genes. The gene expressions together with other clinical parameters such as PSA, Gleason and Tumour stage are entered into the Classification of Prostatic Malignancy Algorithm (CPMA) software that is linked to a unique patient data base. The software calculates a P-score which provides a measure of how aggressive the cancer is, facilitating the choice of optimal treatment for the patient.
HRR panel
Used to determine genetic predisposition or as a companion diagnostic tool down the line.
Supporting the prostate cancer pathway
Prostatype information leaflet
Stockholm3 information leaflet
If you are a healthcare professional, please contact us. If you are a patient, please refer your healthcare professional to our website and ask them to get in touch. Please note that Cambridge Clinical Laboratories HCP services are only available through a professional healthcare provider.
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