A next-generation test for prostate cancer
How does Proclarix work?
Next-generation screening:
Proclarix is an easy, non-invasive blood test which analyses protein biomarkers to assess the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, in those with a PSA between 2 and 10 ng/nL. This is referred to as the PSA “grey area”, where it’s unclear if a raised PSA level indicates prostate cancer or not. Further, a PSA within these “normal” ranges doesn’t rule out prostate cancer - 1 in 7 men with prostate cancer have a normal PSA. Proclarix provides clarity on these unclear PSA results by giving a more accurate and specific risk score for aggressive prostate cancer. A high-risk Proclarix score would indicate that you should go to the next stage of investigation - MRI. A low-risk score rules out prostate cancer with 95% accuracy. Proclarix can be used instead of a standard PSA blood test with no additional intervention required, with results available within 5-7 working days.
After MRI:
Proclarix can also be used after MRI, if the results are unclear. MRI scans are used in men with raised PSA values to identify masses in the prostate which indicate prostate cancer. A prostate biopsy is then performed to confirm if the mass is a cancerous tumour. However, around 40% of MRI scans are indeterminate, meaning the doctor is still not clear whether there is evidence of abnormality in the prostate or not. Without using Proclarix, all these men will undergo a biopsy, which has led to over 50% of biopsies performed being negative or clinically insignificant. This leads to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. To prevent this, a Proclarix blood test can be used after an indeterminate MRIs, to help a doctor decide whether there is need to perform a biopsy or not.
Find out more about Proclarix here: https://www.proteomedix.com/en/
To view a sample results report, please click here.
To view the patient leaflet with FAQs, click here.
NICE-recommended PSA thresholds, per age group. Many men have PSA values above this with no prostate cancer, or within these ranges with prostate cancer.
“Proclarix gives answers on unclear PSA and MRI results”
where to access Proclarix
Order online and attend a clinic near you:
Via a specialist consultant:
You can access Proclarix through a specialist prostate consultant, by booking in for a consultation where the consultant will go through all your clinical data, family history, and discuss any concerns you have. They will take your blood sample and usually book a follow-up consultation to discuss the results. They will be able to guide any further monitoring or investigation, if required. The consultants who currently provide Proclarix upon request are below, however, you can ask any private consultant or GP to contact us to order a Proclarix test.
Ahmed Ali
At Urology Partners, London/Hampshire/Surrey - https://urologypartners.co.uk/team/160/ahmed-ali
Jaimin Bhatt
At Ross Hall clinic, Glasgow - https://www.circlehealthgroup.co.uk/consultants/jaimin-bhatt (online consultations also available)
Tim Dudderidge
At Spire Southampton - https://tdurology.co.uk/approach (online consultations also available)
Chris Eden
At Santis Health in The Shard - https://santis.carebit.co/patients/bookings/new
At Guildford Nuffield Hospital - https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/consultants/professor-christopher-eden
Mark Emberton
At London Urology Specialists - https://www.londonurologyspecialists.co.uk/
Raj Persad
Bristol Urology Associates - https://www.bristolurology.com/team/professor-raj-persad/
Stephen Gordon
Spire St Anthony’s, Surrey - https://www.spirehealthcare.com/consultant-profiles/mr-stephen-gordon-c4333980/
Via a Private GP:
Asif Naseem GP
London - https://drnaseem.com/
Private GP Healthcare
Ashford, Kent - https://www.privategphealthcare.com/
Innermost Healthcare
Cardiff, Wales - https://innermosthealthcare.com/
Concierge Medical
Cotswolds and surrounding areas (Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Wiltshire, Warwickshire and Oxfordshire) - https://www.conciergemedical.co.uk/
Via a clinic:
You can book in for a Proclarix test at a clinic local to you, where your blood sample will be taken. A short appointment may be required to ensure all your clinical data is collected. The clinic provider will then deliver your results via email, phone call or in-person appointment. The report containing your results describes what the risk score score means. You can book in to discuss this result with a GP or consultant if required/preferred.
Remedi Health, Winchester - https://remedihealth.co/
Concierge Medical, Warwick - https://www.conciergemedical.co.uk/
Mans Matters Clinic, Knightsbridge - https://www.mansmatters.co.uk/
At home:
We are partnered with Innermost Healthcare who can organise home-delivery of the urine test kit and courier collection for the day that you do the sample. Please contact https://innermosthealthcare.com/ to book this service.
Concierge Medical in Warwick also provide a home visit service in their area - Concierge Medical, Warwick - https://www.conciergemedical.co.uk/